The Community Psychologist Podcast: Alesha Bond

Photograph of Microphone
Photo by Lucas Pereira from Pexels. CC0.
For our newest episode of The Community Psychologist Podcast, we invited Georgia State University graduate student Alesha Bond. Alesha is a doctoral student in the Cognitive Sciences program in the department of psychology. She previously co-wrote a TCP article discussing the organizing students engaged in to address issues of diversity and mentoring. We talked about the necessity of student organizing to push for change and the intersections of her research and organizing. Alesha shares some accomplishments, discusses the challenge of navigating power differentials, and provides advice to graduate student organizers.
  1. Cokley, K. & Garba, R. (2018). Speaking truth to power: How Black/African psychology changed the discipline of psychology. Journal of Black Psychology, 44(8), 695-721
  2. Ray, V. (2019). A theory of racialized organizations. American Sociological Review, 84(1), 26-53.
  3. Stewart, T. J. (2020). Capitalism and the (il)logics of higher education’s COVID-19 response: A Black feminist critique. Leisure Sciences, 1-7. DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2020.1774011
  4. Thornhill, T. (2018). We want Black students, just not you: How white admissions counselors screen Black prospective students. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 1-15.

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