Rather than considering practice and research as unique, Community Psychologists understand that these processes inform each other. As such, both are necessary to better the human condition. Community Psychologists as well as the Practice Council within SCRA actively work to connect with community practitioners in community psychology, community development, public health and other areas.
Posted in: Education, Mental Health | Tags: PracticePublished in: American Journal of Community PsychologyMost school programs are individual and group-based interventions. Classroom-based and school-wide programs remain largely untested yet remain promising.
Read MorePosted in: Children, Youth and Families, Coalition Building | Tags: PracticeYouth need support and guidance from skilled facilitators and adult facilitators need opportunities to engage in ongoing learning with their peers.
Read MorePosted in: Inspiration | Tags: Living Community Psychology, PracticePublished in: The Community PsychologistJudi Aubel’s current focus is on providing grandmothers with opportunities for empowerment, viewing them as an invaluable asset, or resource, as agents of positive cultural change.
Read MorePosted in: Children, Youth and Families | Tags: PracticePublished in: American Journal of Community PsychologyCommunity-led parent education focused on managing parenting stress, clarifying parenting goals, and strengthening nurturing parenting can engage and mobilize a volunteer community workforce.
Read MorePosted in: Marginalized Groups | Tags: PracticePublished in: American Journal of Community PsychologyDecolonization is a process of examining and undoing unearned privilege resulting from historical and present day injustice. As a process, decolonization can push students from apathy to develop a sense of activism.
Read MorePosted in: Prevention Science | Tags: Practice, ResearchPublished in: American Journal of Community PsychologyMcKay and colleagues identify criteria to decide whether to de-implement an intervention and provide structure for how that de-implementation can happen.
Read MorePosted in: Coalition Building, Mental Health, Self Help | Tags: PracticeEmbodied practice invites people to become informed by their bodies, attuned to their physical needs and experiences, and accepting of their natural selves.
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