We define community broadly and engage in communities of many kinds. Pieces are arranged topically and the list of issue topics is continually expanding.
Posted in: Public Policy, Violence Prevention | Tags: ResearchA policy brief developed by the Research-to-Policy Collaboration with support from the Society for Community Research and Action. Approximately 40 million people worldwide, including many in the United States, are estimated to be victims of human trafficking — a form of modern-day slavery in which traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to control both adults […]
Read MorePosted in: Healthcare, Marginalized Groupssubmitted by Phoutdavone Phimphasone-Brady, Alyssa M. Vela, Brooke E. Palmer, Alyssa Minnick, and Fary M. Cachelin. Latinas are not only at greater risk for obesity and binge eating disorder (BED) than White women, they are also less likely to seek treatment for eating issues. Intensive lifestyle interventions are effective in promoting weight loss and improving […]
Read MorePosted in: Children, Youth and Families | Tags: Global Journal of Community Psychology Practicesubmitted by Ashley Simons-Rudolph Despite a flurry of recent attention, we have not made sufficient progress in how we address bullying. Bullying, defined by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is the intentional, unwanted, aggressive behavior between youths that are not siblings or dating partners that is repeated, or is likely […]
Read MorePosted in: Blog, Children, Youth and Families, Marginalized GroupsIn 1979, a young psychologist named Joe Durlak published a controversial study in Psychological Bulletin that sent ripples through the helping professions. What Durlak sought to do was to combine all published studies that had compared the outcomes of experienced psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers with those of paraprofessionals (i.e., nonexpert, minimally trained community volunteers and helpers). […]
Read MorePosted in: Sense of CommunityPublished in: American Journal of Community PsychologyOne of every 30 people live outside of their country of birth. Immigrants and longer-term residents often transform their sense of community—their feelings of belonging and mattering to the community, and beliefs that they will meet their needs through the community—in the new communities they share together.
Read MorePosted in: Blog, Marginalized Groupssubmitted by Tiffeny Jimenez As a practitioner and educator, I continuously reflect on how well I apply the principles of the field, and a key part of this work involves working with others that seek to speak truth to power through a process of mutual liberation. I hold a number of roles within the community, […]
Read MorePosted in: Children, Youth and Families, Marginalized Groups | Tags: Researchsubmitted by Amy J. Anderson and Bernadette Sánchez Many low-income youth and youth of color experience inequity in schools, neighborhoods and other communities. This may be attributable to adult biases within these settings. These biases may be heightened when the adult and youth do not share similar social identities, such as ethnicity, gender, or socio-economic status. […]
Read MorePosted in: Blog, Children, Youth and FamiliesPhotograph by Skyseeker. Used under CC 2.0 Convide os seus alunos a escrever sobre os princípios orientadores segundo os quais eles querem viver, usando estes tópicos motivadores para os ajudar a começar. O início do ano escolar é uma ocasião propícia para pedir aos alunos que reflitam sobre aquilo que traz um sentido orientador às […]
Read MorePosted in: Blog, Children, Youth and FamiliesThe beginning of the school year is a good time to ask students to reflect on what gives them guiding direction in their lives. And writing their guiding principles for life is a perfect assignment for doing so.
Read MorePosted in: Aging, History of Community Psychology | Tags: ResearchPublished in: American Journal of Community Psychologysubmitted by Elizabeth Kirkwood Between the years 2005 to 2050, the global population of older persons (over age 65) is expected to increase 113%. In continents such as Asia and Africa, the increase is expected to exceed 268% and 307%, respectively. Considering women constitute a majority of the aging population, they may be at an […]
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