Marginalized Groups
Marginalized Groups
We believe that historical injustices create multi-generational patterns of discrimination. Much of Community Psychology injects this perspective within their work on every topic. Some research focuses exclusively/primarily on groups impacted by injustice and marginalization.
Posted in: Inspiration, Marginalized GroupsPublished in: The Community PsychologistKyrah Brown talks about her academic journey and receiving the 2019 SCRA Early Career Award.
Read MorePosted in: Education, Marginalized Groups, Poverty and Socioeconomic StatusPublished in: American Journal of Community PsychologyFinancial stress can have a significant impact on well-being. Colleges and universities can create opportunities for students to build empathy around social class.
Read MorePosted in: Children, Youth and Families, Marginalized Groups | Tags: ResearchPublished in: American Journal of Community PsychologyLGBTQ & GNC youth experience economic hardships and social stress in ways that continue to pose a threat to their health and well-being. Engaging in activist efforts can potentially improve their health in addition to furthering social change.
Read MorePosted in: Marginalized GroupsPublished in: The Community PsychologistColonization is the exploitation of resources and imposition of European cultures and geopolitical powers upon Indigenous (native) cultures. Learn more about its impact today.
Read MorePosted in: Inspiration, Marginalized GroupsFormer sex worker, Christa Sacco discusses decoloniality by and with people in the sex industries to inspire a different type of conversation around the sex industries, sex work, and human trafficking.
Read MorePosted in: Immigrant Justice, Marginalized Groups, Public Policy, Sense of Community | Tags: ResearchThe inhumanity of detention has far reaching effects on communities outside of the detention facility.
Read MorePosted in: Children, Youth and Families, Immigrant Justice, Marginalized Groups, Public PolicyA companion to our policy statement, this infographic is useful for immigration-related advocacy.
Read MorePosted in: Children, Youth and Families, Marginalized Groups, Public PolicyLa deportación tiene numerosos impactos perjudiciales no solo en las personas que son deportadas, sino también en las familias y en las comunidades a las que estas se ven obligadas a dejar atrás. Los cambios en las políticas de los Estados Unidos sobre inmigración y deportación afectan a los individuos, las familias y las comunidades en las que ocurren las […]
Read MorePosted in: Coalition Building, Marginalized GroupsPublished in: American Journal of Community PsychologyActivism is a crucial part of the democratic process. Social action can be helpful in combating the exhaustion of daily inequality.
Read MorePosted in: Marginalized Groups | Tags: PracticePublished in: American Journal of Community PsychologyDecolonization is a process of examining and undoing unearned privilege resulting from historical and present day injustice. As a process, decolonization can push students from apathy to develop a sense of activism.
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